Saturday, April 14, 2012

Going under the knife

It has been two and a half weeks since I restarted running on March 26.  I have run four to five times each week for a total of 55.5 miles.  Yesterday, I ran 8.5 miles with Amy as my final run before surgery.  The knee has been feeling good, but I haven't tested the knee without an ACL.  The only issue I felt while running was some tightness on the backside as my hamstring is compensating some, I guess.

My surgery is not going to be until at least 11am, so I don't have to be there until 9am.  Martha and I arrive at VCU just after 9am, and I only have to wait until 10am before I am called in to start getting prepped.  Surgery prep goes well until they begin to try to put in the IV.  Despite the fact that I have nice big veins near the surface of the skin, the first nurse goes 0 of 2 before giving up and getting another nurse.  She said I have really tough skin--go figure.  The relief nurse misses first in my left hand before striking successfully in the middle of my left arm.  By that point, the pain from the first three misses was much greater than the little sting of the successful one.  The rest of the prep is uneventful with two different doctors writing on my right knee.

I get wheeled towards surgery around 12:30pm.  The next thing I know I am coming to in recovery.  The first order of business is relieving the pressure in my bladder.  With that task completed, I ask for some ice chips.  Then they wheel me back to where I started in the morning before surgery.  Martha comes in, and she has some Fritos, which I slowly begin to eat.  I feel somewhat nauseous like I do after a hard ultra.  Of course, when in doubt, eat.  The surgeon took some really nice pictures of the inside of my knee.  Everything looks great just like the MRI showed.  There is also a picture of my new ACL, and it looks pretty.

After getting home, Amy made me a grilled ham and cheese, which just happens to be my favorite food during an ultra.  Nathan made some tomato soup, and I ate well for my first meal in nearly 24 hours.  Now, the recovery begins once the block on my leg wears off.  7 months and 25 days until Hellgate!

Never stop running,

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